Tag Archives: Certificate

Create certificates for iPhone with IP Office

Some time ago I published a post that describes the new rules a certificate has to follow to be accepted by Apple’s current devices (iPhone, iPad, MacOS PCs). Besides some rules about algorithms and bit length, that are usually met by all certificate authorities, there are some requirements, you will probably not see at first view. A certificate generated later than July 1st 2019 must not be longer valid than 825 days and the certificate must contain the value “Server Authentication” (OID as Extended Key Usage (EKU).

The challenge

In my last post I mentioned that the IP Office certificate authority is able to create certificates that work with iPhones and other Apple devices. That was only half the truth, because only IP Office servers (Server Edition or Application Server) on at least release create valid certificates.

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IP Office certificate expired

Happy new year all together!

With the end of the year 2017 the self signed certificates of many IP Office PBXs expired. Compare my last post from July 2017. Hopefully you were able to renew the certificates of all your systems in the meantime.

If not you will get a warning if you try to login the next time.

Certificate Expired Warning

You will get this warning, if you connect to an IP Office that uses an expired certificate.

In this case it is now the time to react. To get access to the IP Office security settings you have to adjust the IP Office Manager preferences. You have to allow secure access without any certificate checks:

Manager Preferences Menu

This images shows how to disable certificate checks in IP Office Manager preferences

Now you are able to login into security settings and to issue a new certificate.

Hope that helps…

If you need further help with IP Office you can contact me through my main website: https://www.fwilke.com/home

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