IX Workplace can now read 46xxspecials.txt

Avaya recently announced IX Workplace version 3.24 https://support.avaya.com/css/P8/documents/101079928. One new feature we have been waiting for a long time is called “Support of 46xxspecials file for Workplace Client”.

The challenge

Avaya IP Office creates a 46xxsettings.txt automatically based on the settings you made in it’s configuration. Additionally the file looks different based on the network from where a client downloads the file. Within any local network the file contains the local IP address in the file while behind any NAT router (access from public) the configured public IP and FQDNs are reflected.

Even if the auto generated 46xxsettings.txt has a good set of configuration parameters you will probably add some individual settings. You can for example add a dial plan configuration so that trunk access codes are added to the dialled number. Or you can configure EC500 settings to be able to use the app to reach your call destination through IP Office, even if the data connectivity is bad or some ports are blocked. You will dial a special number in your IP Office, get an internal dial tone and the app will dial the destination number as DTMF digits afterward. Boom… the called party will only see your office number.

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Use hunt group status in Voicemail Pro call flows

This post describes you how to use the different status of a hunt group (in service, night service, out of service) as a switch within Voicemail Pro call flows.

The challenge

Didn’t you have the challenge that the local users should be able to switch between different ways a call should flow through Voicemail Pro? And wouldn’t it be nice if it were possible to do this through a phone button? And furthermore… shouldn’t it be possible to light the button if a chosen condition is set? And all that from different users and phones?

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Voicemail Pro client 11.1 can’t connect

The Challenge – Voicemail Pro client can’t connect

Recently I deployed a fresh IP Office Anywhere release 11.1 to test some new features. While I tried to connect the Voicemail Pro client I figured out that the login always wasn’t impossible. The client showed me the error message that the client “Failed to connect to server”.

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How to create IP Office holdmusic

The challenge

Very often the customers want to have their individual holdmusic in their IP Office system. They usually deliver the file as MP3 or any other audio format. Avaya describes the format with the following bullet points:

  • 8kHz
  • 16bit
  • Mono

It’s the same as needed for Voicemail Pro.

Depending on the IP Office system the holdmusic must not be longer than 90sec (IP500V2) or 600sec (Server Edition).

In this post I will describe how to use the free Audacity audio editor, to convert audio files to meet the needs of IP Office.

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Create certificates for iPhone with IP Office

Some time ago I published a post that describes the new rules a certificate has to follow to be accepted by Apple’s current devices (iPhone, iPad, MacOS PCs). Besides some rules about algorithms and bit length, that are usually met by all certificate authorities, there are some requirements, you will probably not see at first view. A certificate generated later than July 1st 2019 must not be longer valid than 825 days and the certificate must contain the value “Server Authentication” (OID as Extended Key Usage (EKU).

The challenge

In my last post I mentioned that the IP Office certificate authority is able to create certificates that work with iPhones and other Apple devices. That was only half the truth, because only IP Office servers (Server Edition or Application Server) on at least release create valid certificates.

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Call forwarding with Voicemail Pro

You can see Voicemail Pro kind of like a swiss army knife of an IP Office installation. Besides the common functionalities of a voicemail system and those to build automatic assistants, you have the options to read and write several user or group settings.

In this post I will describe you, how you can configure call forwarding for other users using Voicemail Pro. This can be helpful for example for assistants who have to divert the phone of the boss if needed.

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Open IP Office Backup files – Part 3

In my last post I promised to show you how to use the registry to store settings and to read them. Only with that topic it would be possible to create multiple posts. I will only show you the most important options in short.

Furthermore I’ve read about using classes and created some structure in the code.

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Open IP Office Backup files – Part 2

With the first post of this series I told you about my plan to create a tool, that helps you to open IP Office backup files as comfortable as possible.

In my first version of that tool I created an array, that contains three directories. The tool searches those three directories for files ending with CFG.

The structure

By it’s very nature a user doesn’t want to run a program from start to end, but wants to jump between different program parts if needed. That’s why it became clear, that I had to create a main menu to offer several options. Besides the main goal to search for backups and to open them, you will for sure want to be able to adjust some settings and even to just quit the tool.

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Media Manager plays no recording

The problem

Recently I faced an interesting problem again, that I want to share with you. Should you ever have the same problem, I hope you will find this post and that you can save some time searching for the root cause. There had been a customer call, that Media Manager plays no recording.

A short look into the recordings page seemed to be fine. The system showed all made recordings. But as soon as you clicked the play button the small player window appeared. Unfortunately you couldn’t hear anything. It looked similar to the following picture with the exception that the length of the recording has been shown as zero seconds.

Media Manager recordings Page
Media Manager recordings Page
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Open IP Office Backup files – Part 1

In most of my posts I try to have a look into several problems I faced. This can be errors or vague descriptions. But it can also be challenges, where I have to find my own solutions.

In those posts I try to document, what I learned and I hope that I can offer you some kind of value.

The idea

During my work it has been necessary several times to have a look into different IP Office backups. Either because some config changes had been done by someone else or to reuse special config ideas from one customer on another’s customer’s system. It has always been a challenge to find the correct backup at the correct location.

That is why I had the idea to build a small tool, that searches for IP Office backups below different paths and presents the result in a nice list. From that list it should then be possible to open the backup,directly.

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